The Fab Four
2007 Reunion Rendezvous
at Richard's Rockin' Retreat!

Day 7
The Date: October 16th.
The Itinerary: 'Till the next time...

The week was over; it was time to go back to our real lives. Laura packed sack lunches for the rest of the Fab 4 to carry on the planes... Salad with appropriate protein, a peach, a fruit bar.

We kept with tradition and posed with our underwear on our heads.

And although we cried at the departures, we know that we are better for our time together, and that we will be carrying to each of our respective homes, the memories, the skills, and the love that was shared this week.

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Day 7: The Pictures

100% of the dogs surveyed love Vennie.
Vennie models the latest in head gear... black undies!

Claudia prefers more of a Dutch Girl look.
White underwear after Labor Day? What is Laura thinking?

Beth prefers not to be identified.
Our final breakfast:

Oatmeal, Leftover Eggs with vegetables scrambled in, Peppered Parmesan Toast, and Fresh Fruit.

Vennie shows off how well she's adapted to her new make-over!
Definitely not the "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" look.
The group got to share Laura's appearance in today's Los Angeles Times for her crafting skills.

We'd say that we're Toasting Richard over breakfast, but - ahem - we didn't use the toast.

We'll drink coffee to you!
Vennie was the first to leave. We all accompanied her to the Flyaway bus and helped her check in her luggage.

Ray, the security detail, told Vennie that she could no longer touch her luggage until it arrived at home. Here we document her touching it after the warning.

And she's smiling as she breaks the law! Who woulda thought?
Headline News, October 16th, 2007.


Feigned smiles for the camera.

Bye Vennie!
90 minutes later, we were back at the shuttle, checking in Claudia & Beth's luggage. Ray was happy to see us.

Claudia, not to be outdone by Vennie, touches her luggage after Ray issues the warning not to touch it.
And Beth, succumbing to peer pressure, follows her lead while Claudia arranges to date Ray the next time she's in Los Angeles. He must really like her to be willing to wait a whole year!

Claudia and Beth leave Laura behind.
Bye Claudia. Bye Beth.

As Laura drives up the 405 Freeway to attend her weight maintenance class, the very bus that Beth and Claudia are riding on passes her by in the carpool lane.
Laura came home, did a cursory clean-up, changed her bed, and spent the afternoon reading her book: "Omnivore's Dilema." Fascinating information about food and where it comes from.

The dogs were happy to have some time alone with their Mom. But it was very quiet in the condo after all of the fun there.

That evening, Laura went to Slimmons where Helen taught class because Richard was in New York for his appearance on the David Letterman Show.