The Fab Four
2007 Reunion Rendezvous
at Richard's Rockin' Retreat!

Day 6
The Date: October 15th.
The Itinerary: Shopping Beverly Hills

A late start was in order after a fufilling but exhausting weekend at Richard's retreat. We didn't actually leave Laura's condo until around noon. But once we got started, we made it to a lot of destinations!

Destination # 1 - Benedict Canyon so Claudia could see "Charlie Manson Street."

Destination # 2 - The Beverly Hills Hotel

Destination # 3 - Fred Segal

Destination # 4 - Lunch at Bristol Farms Market

Destination # 5 - Robertson Blvd: "The Ivy" Restaurant and "The MAC" Store.

Destination # 6 - The Beverly Hills Triangle for Shopping and Celebrity Watching. (Yes, we saw one. Morgan Fairchild having coffee.)

Destination # 7 - "The Good Earth Restaurant" in Studio City for dinner with Dana from Slimmons.

The Fab Four's Links

Fab Four Rendezvous 2007

Our History

Richard Simmons Retreat Weekend, 2007

Richard Simmons

Contact The Fab Four


Day 6: The Pictures

Even the dog slept in late.
Claudia under cover.

Breakfast of Champions.
Beth & Vennie call Chairman Miller and Senator Kennedy in support of Richard Simmons's "Ask America" campaign to re-establish physical education in our schools.

Desperate Housewife?
Glamour Shot!

Bristol Farms Market

Say Cheese!

Posing for the Papparazi outside of "The Ivy"
Shopping "MAC" of Beverly Hills.

Vennie get's another make-over; this time by Kris.

Keep on shopping, Vennie, until you find the handsome dude to make up with.
Ta Da!!!!!

Shopping on Rodeo Drive.
Visiting Dr. Rey from Dr. 90210.

You never know when you might be able to help a little old couple across the street!

They really didn't seem to want to move...
We think they may have been stoned.
The Fab Five.

After glow...

The circle of friendship.
Choose your Caption:

1. Claudia hanging out with Beth and Vennie.
2. Cracking up at the end of the day.
3. The ends of a nice day.
4. Writing these captions cracks us up!
5. We don't mind being the butt of our own jokes!